
Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2024/12/19 10:11

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This function is intended to be used with timerecording V3

Returns all currently available time recording cost centers.


GET timerecording/get_costcenters.php?company=COMPANY_RTIKEY&import=COMPANY_IMPORTKEY&format=FORMAT_TYPE


companyRTI company keystringyes
importRTI import keystringyes
formatoutput formatstringallowed output formats
  • csv
  • json
  • xml
Default is csv.

Return values

This function returns a string. On error the return will be "Error:Description".

JSON Format

Returns a JSON formatted text with the properties of each cost center.

Example output

JSON Ausgabe
ident: 'K1001',
name: 'Baustelle B',
valid_from: '2021-01-01',
valid_to: null,
planned_duration: 20000,
defined_activities: [
{ ident: 'A100', duration: 18000 },
{ ident: 'A200', duration: 2000 },
{ ident: 'A200', duration: null }
allow_other_activities: 0,
defined_persons: [
{ id: '2093', name:'Max Mustermann' }

XML Format

Returns an XML formatted text with the properties of each cost center.

Example output

XML Ausgabe
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <duration null="true" />
  <name>Baustelle B</name>
        <name>Max Mustermann</name>
  <valid_to null="true" />

CSV Format

The CSV format contains one line per cost center. Fields that can contain multiple data records are output as a JSON string.

Meta information

SeparatorSemicolon ( ; )
DelimiterDouble quote ( " )
Line break0x0D 0x0A (CarriageReturn LineFeed)
HeaderRow 1

CSV columns

identoptional self-defined identifier of the cost centerCan be set under cost center basic data.
nameself-defined name of the cost center
valid_fromDate since when this cost center has been active.Format: YYYY-mm-dd
valid_tooptional Date until when this cost center is activeFormat: YYYY-mm-dd
planned_durationoptional planned duration of the cost centerin minutes
defined_activitiesoptional defined activities for this cost centerFormat: JSON string
allow_other_activitiesOption that determines whether other activities can be posted to this cost center in addition to the activities defined.Format: 0 or 1
defined_personsoptional defined persons for this cost centerFormat: JSON string

Example output

"K1001";"Baustelle B";"2021-01-01";"";"20000";"[{ ident: 'A100', duration: 18000 },{ ident: 'A200', duration: 2000 },{ ident: 'A200', duration: null }]";"0";"[{id:'2093',name:'Max Mustermann'}]"


Get cost centers as CSV