Table of Contents
This function is intended to be used with timerecording V3
Returns all currently available time recording activities.
GET timerecording/get_activities.php?company=COMPANY_RTIKEY&import=COMPANY_IMPORTKEY&format=FORMAT_TYPE
Parameter | Description | Type | Note | Mandatory |
company | RTI company key | string | yes | |
import | RTI import key | string | yes | |
format | output format | string | allowed output formats
| no |
Return values
This function returns a string. On error the return will be "Error:Description".
JSON Format
Returns a JSON formatted text with the properties of each activity.
Example output
json output
ident: 'A100',
name: 'Arbeiten',
color: 'CC0000',
is_worktime: 1,
is_standbytime: 0
ident: 'A200',
name: 'Fahren',
color: '00CC00',
is_worktime: 1,
is_standbytime: 0
ident: 'P100',
name: 'Pause',
color: '0000CC',
is_worktime: 0,
is_standbytime: 0
ident: 'B100',
name: 'Bereitschaft',
color: '0000CC',
is_worktime: 0,
is_standbytime: 1
XML Format
Returns an XML formatted text with the properties of each activity.
Example output
xml output
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
CSV Format
The CSV format contains one line per activity. Fields that can contain multiple data records are output as a JSON string.
Meta information
Separator | Semicolon ( ; ) |
Delimiter | Double quote ( " ) |
Line break | 0x0D 0x0A (CarriageReturn LineFeed) |
Header | Row 1 |
Encoding | Windows-1252 |
CSV columns
Column | Description | |
ident | optional self-defined identifier of the activity | Can be set under Timerecording> Settings> Activities The standard activity "End span" always has an "ident" of "0". |
name | self-defined name of the activity | |
color | self-defined color of the activity | Format: hexadecimal The standard activity "Leaving" has no color. |
is_worktime | Option whether this activity is part of a working time or not. | Possible values: 0 or 1 |
is_standbytime | Option whether this activity is part of a standby time or not. | Possible values: 0 or 1 |
Example output
output in CSV
Example call
Retrieval of bookings in CSV format