Wiki source code of set_personnel.php

Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2024/12/19 10:11

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1 (% class="box" %)
2 (((Table of Contents)))
3 {{toc/}}
5 Provide functions to create, edit and delete personnel specific data.
6 = Description =
7 //**(% class="blue mark" %)POST(%%) set_personnel.php?company**=RTI_COMPANYKEY**&import**=RTI_VEHICLEKEY&**mode=**new**&id**=01234**&key_from**=YYYYMMDDHHMMSS**&pkey**=DF123456789012**&name**=Max%20Mustermann**&groups**=Fahrer,Dresden//
8 = Parameters =
9 //
10 //
12 |=Parameter|=Name in personnel administration|=Desciption|=Type|=Remark|=Mandatory
13 |company||RTI company key|string||yes
14 |import||RTI import key|string||yes
15 |mode||differentiate between available actions|string|valid modes are:
16 (((
17 * new: create a new person
18 * update: change data of an already available person
19 * delete: remove a person
20 * append_key: add a foreign personnel key to a person
21 )))|yes
22 |id|employee number|self defined employee number|string|the employee number must be a self defined string for further identification of the person|yes
23 |name|Name|complete name of the person|string||^^yes(1)^^
24 |pkey|personnel key|personnel key for bookings|string|this may be a transponder or driver card to identify the person and assign booked times correctly|^^yes(1,2)^^
25 |key_from|personnel key valid from||string|format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
26 if no value set, the current timestamp will be used|no
27 |key_to|personnel key valid to||string|format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS|no
28 |groups|personnel groups|names of personnel groups to assign|string|names of assigned personnel groups
29 (((
30 * set multiple groups by submit as comma separated string
31 * on edit a person, we set only the selected groups (previous assignments will be removed)
32 )))|no
33 |card_nr|employee licence number|self defined number for assignment to an external timerecording software|string|required especially for correct assignment to ReinerSCT time card software|no
34 |drv_licence_nr|driver licence|number of driver licence|string||no^^(3)^^
35 |drv_licence_valid_to|driver licence valid to|expiration date of driver licence|string|format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS|no^^(3)^^
36 |identity_card_nr|identity card|identity card number|string||no^^(3)^^
37 |identity_card_valid_to|identity card valid to|expiration date of identity card|string|format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS|no^^(3)^^
38 |passport_nr|passport|passport number|string||no^^(3)^^
39 |passport_valid_to|passport valid to|expiration date of passport|string|format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS|no^^(3)^^
40 |adr_cert_nr|ADR certificate|number of adr certificate|string||no^^(3)^^
41 |adr_cert_valid_to|ADR certificate valid to|expiration date of ADR certificate|string|format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS|no^^(3)^^
42 |bkrfqg_valid_to|qualification by keynumber 95 valid to|expiration date of german "**B**erufs**kr**aft**f**ahrer**q**ualifikations**g**esetz"|string|the expiration date of this qualification is printed at driver licence at key number 95|no^^(3)^^
43 |birth|date of birth|birthdate of person|string|format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS^^(4)^^|no^^(3)^^
44 |job_from|employee since|start date of beeing an employee at this company|string|format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS|no^^(3)^^
46 Remarks:
47 (1) mandatory on add a new person
48 (2) mandatory on add a following card
49 (3) will be only stored, if tacho archive extension active
50 (4) If day and/or month are unknown, the birthdate is filled up with "XX" for the unknown values according to german passport law (example: 198006XX or 1980XXXX)
51 = Return =
52 On succesful create, edit or assignment of a following key the return string will be "**PERSON_DATA_SAVED**".
53 On successful delete of a person the return string will be "**PERSON_DELETED**".
54 In case of an error, return the string "(% class="error" %)**ERROR:Description**(%%)".
55 = Example calls =
56 **Create new person**
57 {{code language="java"}}{{/code}}
59 **Edit person data**
60 {{code language="java"}}{{/code}}
62 **Assign a following card**
63 {{code language="java"}}{{/code}}
65 **Delete a person**
66 {{code language="java"}}{{/code}}