Wiki source code of get_personnel.php

Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2025/01/23 10:16

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1 (% class="box" %)
2 (((
3 Table of Contents
4 )))
6 {{toc/}}
8 Getting data for personnel set in personnel administration
10 = Description =
12 (% class="green mark" %)//**GET**//(%%)//** get_personnel.php?company**=RTI_COMPANYKEY**&import**=RTI_VEHICLEKEY&**format=**csv//
14 = Parameters =
16 |=Parameter|=Description|=Type|=Note|=Mandatory
17 |company|RTI company key|string| |yes
18 |import|RTI import key|string| |yes
19 |format|export format for list|string|supported output formats:(((
20 * csv - export as csv formatted file
21 * json - export as json
22 * xml - export as xml
23 )))default: csv|no
24 |history|show only latest personnel key for each person or all keys for each person|int|(((
25 * 0 - return only latest key
26 * 1 - return all keys(((
27 * will return one entry per key
28 )))
29 )))default: 0|no
30 |id|limit exported persons list to given id|string|see //strict// parameter|no
31 |name|limit exported persons list to given name|string|see //strict// parameter|no
32 |pkey|limit exported persons list to given personnel key|string|see //strict// parameter|no
33 |group|limit exported persons list to given personnel group|string|see //strict// parameter|no
34 |strict|switch search between finding the exact given value or return all results where the search string is part of the result|int|(((
35 * 0 - return all results containing the searched string
36 * 1 - return only results matching exactly the searched string
37 )))default: 1
38 this setting modifies the behaviour for parameters:~/~/ id, name, pkey, group|no
40 = Return =
42 Returning a string in selected format. On error returning "(% class="error" %)**403 - Verboten: Zugriff verweigert.**(%%)" as HTTP-Header.
44 == Column ==
46 |=CSV Column name|=JSON/XML key name|=Name in personnel administration|=Description|=Note|=
47 |ID|id|employee number|self defined employee number| |
48 |NAME|name|Name|complete name of the person| |
49 |KEY|key[id]|personnel key|personnel key (for bookings via YellowFox)| |
50 |VALID_FROM|key[valid_from]|personnel key valid from|validity start for the personnel key| |format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
51 |VALID_TO|key[valid_to]|personnel key valid to|validity end for the personnel key| |format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
52 |GROUPS|groups[group]|personnel groups|comma separated list with all personnel groups assigned to the person| |
53 |CARD_NR|card_nr|employee licence number|optional licence number to assign bookings to ReinerSCT| |
54 |DRV_LICENCE_NR|drv_licence[id]|driver licence|driver licence number|only filled, if tacho archive active|
55 |DRV_LICENCE_VALID_TO|drv_licence[valid_to]|driver licence valid to|expiration date of driver licence|only filled, if tacho archive active|format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
56 |IDENTITY_CARD_NR|identity_card[id]|identity card|identity card number|only filled, if tacho archive active|
57 |IDENTITY_CARD_VALID_TO|identity_card[valid_to]|identity card valid to|expiration date of identity card|only filled, if tacho archive active|format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
58 |PASSPORT_NR|passport[id]|passport|passport number|only filled, if tacho archive active|
59 |PASSPORT_VALID_TO|passport[valid_to]|passport valid to|expiration date of passort|only filled, if tacho archive active|format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
60 |ADR_CERTIFICATE_NR|adr_certificate[id]|ADR certificate|number of ADR certificate (carriage of dangerous goods by road)|only filled, if tacho archive active|
61 |ADR_CERTICATE_VALID_TO|adr_certificate[valid_to]|ADR cetificate valid to|expiration date of ADR certificate|only filled, if tacho archive active|format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
62 |BKRFQG_VALID_TO|bkrfqg[valid_to]|qualification by keynumber 95 valid to|expiration date of german "**B**erufs**kr**aft**f**ahrer**q**ualifikations**g**esetz"|only filled, if tacho archive active|format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
63 |BIRTHDATE|birthdate|date of birth|date of birth of person|only filled, if tacho archive active
64 If day and/or month are unknown, the birthdate is filled up with "XX" for the unknown values according to german passport law
65 (example: 1980-06-XX or 1980-XX-XX)|format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
66 |JOB_START_DATE|job_start_date|employee since|start date of beeing an employee at this company|only filled, if tacho archive active|format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
67 |DRV_LICENCE_CHECK_TAG_ID|drv_licence_check[tag_id]|NFC tag id|id of nfc tag for driver licence check| |
68 |DRV_LICENCE_CHECK_LAST_CHECK|drv_licence_check[last_check]|last [driver licence] check|date of latest driver licence check| |format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
69 |DRV_LICENCE_CHECK_NEXT_CHECK|drv_licence_check[next_check]|next [driver licence] check|date of next driver licence check| |format YYYY-MM-DD
70 |DRV_LICENCE_CHECK_INTERVAL|drv_licence_check[interval]|[driver licence] check interval|timerange between 2 driver licence checks in seconds| |
72 == CSV Format ==
74 Sending a correct request will return a csv formatted file with a headline as first line containing column names. The data itself will be returned in following rows.
76 === Meta informations ===
78 |=Separator|semicolon ( ; )
79 |=text limiter|double quote ( " )
80 |=line brak|0x0D 0x0A (CarriageReturn LineFeed)
81 |=header|row 1
83 === Header ===
85 **header informationen**
88 Beispiel
89 **example**
91 "0012";"Max Mustermann";"DF1234567890";"2018-01-01 06:43:00";"";"Fahrer,Dresden";"";"YFDD9876";"2021-11-10 23:59:59";"";"";"";"2023-04-30 23:59:59";"";"2020-07-31 23:59:59";"2021-11-30 23:59:59";"1990-02-19 00:00:00";"2014-09-01 00:00:00";""4729000A3341";"2020-03-01 10:43:00";"2020-03-15";"1209600"{{/code}}
93 == JSON Format ==
95 Retrun a json formatted string with all the available data matching the request parameters. The entries will be returned as key - value relation. Some data such as personnel key or personnel groups are grouped in a sub object.
97 === Beispiel ===
99 **example**
100 {{code language="js"}}[
101 {
102 "id":"0013",
103 "name":"Marion Musterfrau",
104 "key":{
105 "id":"DF9876543210",
106 "valid_from":"2016-01-01 00:00:00",
107 "valid_to":null
108 },
109 "card_nr":null,
110 "groups":[
111 "Fahrer",
112 "Berlin"
113 ],
114 "deleted":null,
115 "drv_licence":{
116 "id":"asd09472845",
117 "valid_to":"2017-02-24 23:59:59"
118 },
119 "identity_card":{
120 "id":"hal2001",
121 "valid_to":"2017-01-11 23:59:59"
122 },
123 "passport":{
124 "id":null,
125 "valid_to":null
126 },
127 "adr_certificate":{
128 "id":null,
129 "valid_to":"2019-05-23 23:59:59"
130 },
131 "bkfqg":{
132 "valid_to":null
133 },
134 "birthdate":"1998-05-13 00:00:00",
135 "job_start_date":"2016-09-01 00:00:00"
136 },
137 {
138 "id":"0014",
139 "name":"Patrick Berger",
140 "key":{
141 "id":"00047392",
142 "valid_from":"2017-07-05 13:20:00",
143 "valid_to":null
144 },
145 "card_nr":"7937102",
146 "groups":[
147 "B\u00fcro",
148 "Berlin"
149 ],
150 "deleted":null,
151 "drv_licence":{
152 "id":jvg7820185",
153 "valid_to":"2014-07-18 23:59:59"
154 },
155 "identity_card":{
156 "id":"ppa4711",
157 "valid_to":"2014-07-19 23:59:59"
158 },
159 "passport":{
160 "id":null,
161 "valid_to":null
162 },
163 "adr_certificate":{
164 "id":null,
165 "valid_to":null
166 },
167 "bkfqg":{
168 "valid_to":"2019-07-18 25:59:59"
169 },
170 "birthdate":"1996-07-17 00:00:00",
171 "job_start_date":"2014-07-17 00:00:00",
172 "drv_licence_check": {
173 "tag_id": "4729000A3341",
174 "last_check": "2020-03-01 10:43:00",
175 "next_check": "2019-03-15",
176 "interval": 1209600
177 }
178 }
179 ]{{/code}}
181 = XML Format =
183 Return an xml formatted string with main key "<persons>" and data for each single person then grouped in a "<person>" object. Some data such as personnel key or personnel groups are grouped in a sub object.
185 === Beispiel ===
187 **example**
188 {{code language="xml"}}<?xml version="1.0"?>
189 <persons>
190 <person>
191 <id>0012</id>
192 <name>Max Mustermann</name>
193 <key>
194 <id>DF1234567890</id>
195 <valid_from>2018-01-01 06:43:00</valid_from>
196 <valid_to/>
197 </key>
198 <card_nr/>
199 <groups>
200 <group>Fahrer</group>
201 <group>Dresden</group>
202 </groups>
203 <deleted/>
204 <drv_licence>
205 <id>asd09472845</id>
206 <valid_to>2020-04-23 23:59:59</valid_to>
207 </drv_licence>
208 <identity_card>
209 <id/>
210 <valid_to/>
211 </identity_card>
212 <passport>
213 <id>yfdd01723</id>
214 <valid_to>2023-09-17 23:59:59</valid_to>
215 </passport>
216 <adr_certificate>
217 <id/>
218 <valid_to>2018-09-30 23:59:59</valid_to>
219 </adr_certificate>
220 <bkfqg>
221 <valid_to/>
222 </bkfqg>
223 <birthdate/>
224 <job_start_date>2012-05-01 00:00:00</job_start_date>
225 </person>
226 <person>
227 <id>0013</id>
228 <name>Marion Musterfrau</name>
229 <key>
230 <id>DF9876543210</id>
231 <valid_from>2016-01-01 00:00:00</valid_from>
232 <valid_to>2019-01-01 00:00:00</valid_to>
233 </key>
234 <card_nr/>
235 <groups>
236 <group>Fahrer</group>
237 <group>Berlin</group>
238 </groups>
239 <deleted/>
240 <drv_licence>
241 <id>asd09472845</id>
242 <valid_to>2020-04-23 23:59:59</valid_to>
243 </drv_licence>
244 <identity_card>
245 <id/>
246 <valid_to/>
247 </identity_card>
248 <passport>
249 <id>yfdd01723</id>
250 <valid_to>2023-09-17 23:59:59</valid_to>
251 </passport>
252 <adr_certificate>
253 <id/>
254 <valid_to>2018-09-30 23:59:59</valid_to>
255 </adr_certificate>
256 <bkfqg>
257 <valid_to/>
258 </bkfqg>
259 <birthdate/>
260 <job_start_date>2012-05-01 00:00:00</job_start_date>
261 <drv_licence_check>
262 <tag_id>4729000A3341</tag_id>
263 <last_check>2020-03-01 10:43:00</last_check>
264 <next_check>2020-03-15</next_check>
265 <interval>1209600</interval>
266 </drv_licence_check>
267 </person>
268 </persons>{{/code}}
270 == Examples ==
272 **Abfrage aller Personen im CSV Format**
273 {{code language="java"}}{{/code}}
275 **Abfrage aller Personen der Gruppe "Fahrer" mit allen Schlüsseln**
276 {{code language="java"}}{{/code}}
278 **Abfrage der Daten einer Person mit einer bestimmten ID**
279 {{code language="java"}}{{/code}}