Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2024/12/19 10:11

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1 (% class="box" %)
2 (((Table of Contents)))
3 {{toc/}}
5 This function gives you an iFrame in which you can edit an area.
6 = Description =
7 (% class="green mark" %)GET(%%)  ** /address_management/area_editor.php?company=**COMPANY_KEY**&import=**IMPORT_KEY**&uuid=**AREA_UUID**&category=**passive
8 = Parameter =
9 |=Parameter|=Description|=Type|=Hint|=Mandatory?
10 |company|RTI company key|string||yes
11 |import|RTI import key|string||yes
12 |category|category of area|string|Possible values:
13 (((
14 * passive = server based areas (default)
15 )))|yes
16 |uuid|unique identifier of area|string|You will get this on adding areas via RTI or access it by using[[ get_areas >>doc:YellowFox Remote Tracking Interface.Funktionen.Adressverwaltung.address_managementget_areas\.php.WebHome]]function.|yes
17 |watermark_position|Where on the map should the YellowFox Logo should be displayed?|string|Possible values:
18 (((
19 * center (default)
20 * centerleft
21 * centerright
22 * topcenter
23 * bottomcenter
24 * bottomleft
25 * bottomright
26 )))|no
27 |language|Which language should be used inside the editor?|string|Possible values:
28 (((
29 * deu (default)
30 * gbr
31 * ndl
32 * fra
33 * ita
34 )))|no
35 |height|height of map|int|default: 400|no
36 |height_unit|unit of height|string|Possible values:
37 (((
38 * px (default)
39 * %
40 )))|no
41 |width|width of map|int|default: 400|no
42 |width_unit|unit of width||Possible values:
43 (((
44 * px (default)
45 * %
46 )))|no
47 |opacity|opacity of shown areas on map|float|between 0 and 1
48 default: 0.4|no
50 = Return Value =
51 A HTML document with an integrated iFrame will be returned. Will return "(% class="error" %)**ERROR:description**(%%)" on error.
52 [[image:image2023-3-29_8-42-16.png]]
53 = Example Call =
55 {{code language="java"}}{{/code}}