Wiki source code of Detailkarte

Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2024/12/19 10:12

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1 (% class="box" %)
2 (((Table of Contents)))
3 {{toc/}}
5 The detail map displays information about the details of a single position message.
6 In contrast to the overview map, there is no way to change the displayed position or vehicle/object.
7 = Options menu =
8 Extra options to change the map features are defined as dropdown menu with the gear symbol ,,[[image:gear.png]],, opener button, at the right above the map.
9 The following options are defined:
10 |Available maps|Google Street|Googles Street map
11 ||Google Terrain|Googles Terrain map
12 ||Google Hybrid|Googles Hybrid map
13 ||Google Satellite|Google Satelitte map
14 ||OpenStreetMap|Openstreetmap map
15 ||PTV|PTV map
17 The map type selected by desktop portal settings (PTV or Google) is also used by MobileWeb.
18 If PTV is selected, the Google maps are not selectable by menu, and also vice versa.
19 The map type, used by current view, is highlighted inside the menu and is marked by a checkbox.
20 = The back button =
21 At the top left the button (,,[[image:back-btn.png]],, left arrow) is defined. It can be used to go back to the associated position message inside the positions list.
22 If this button is used to go back to position list, the currently displayed position is opened and displaying all the details.
23 = Map positions =
24 Object positions inside the map will be marked by the following symbols:
25 |[[image:off.png]]|Position with ignition off|This positions marks a vehicle/object with ignition off.
26 |[[image:on_w.png]]|Position with ignition on|This symbol is shown if the vehicle/object ignition is on. The optional arrow marks the direction of motion.
27 |[[image:cluster.png]]|Object cluster|Here with a cluster of vehicles/objects is marked. The objects count of the cluster is shown as number, in the middle of the symbol.
29 = Position informations =
30 Map information will be shown inside a slidein box, located at the bottom of the map. The box is displayed when a position icon is selected (touch of click).
31 A distinction is made between normal positions and vehicle cluster positions.
32 The info box can be closed by clicking/touching the X close button to the right of the object select combobox.
33 == Normal positions ==
34 In normal positions the info box only opens partially. Currently showing:
35 (((
36 * The current vehicle icon associated
37 * The name (identifier) of the vehicle
38 * Date and time of used position message
39 * Addressinformations of the position
40 )))
41 If you need more informations you can pull up the infobar to maximize it.
42 If the bar is maximized detail informations like remaining drive time, driving time, box accu capacity, telemtry data and analog data are shown if available.
43 === Usable actions ===
44 At the bottom of the infobox the actions, associated with the position are located:
45 |[[image:search-plus.png]]|zoom in on vehicle|Restores the original zoom range when you have changed this again.
46 |[[image:poslist.png]]|go to position list|Jump to page 1 of the vehicles position list.
48 = Map operations =
49 The map can be operated with normal gestures, usual in the mobile space.
50 It is of course also possible to operate with the map with the regular computer mouse to use.