Wiki source code of Positionen

Last modified by YellowFox_RD on 2024/12/19 10:12

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YellowFox_RD 1.1 1 (% class="box" %)
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 2 (((Table of Contents)))
YellowFox_RD 1.1 3 {{toc/}}
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 5 This document defines a object position messages overview for MobileWeb mobile portal.
6 = Vehicle/Object selection =
7 If you want to show position messages to a vehicle/object, you have to select it via the combobox at the top.
8 For better usage you can filter the selectable objects by using the integrated input text field for searching.
9 = Options menu =
10 Extra position list options are located at the button with the ,,[[image:gear.png]],, gear symbol right of the object selection combobox. If you press it a submenu is shown with the following elements
11 |[[image:reload.png]]|Refresh|Here you can refresh/reload the view of current loaded position list page.
12 ||On time positioning|Sends a single request for get the current vehicle/object position
13 ||Filter by…|Opens the dialog for activate/deactivate Filters.
YellowFox_RD 1.1 14
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 15 = Position list =
16 The position list gives you informations about the position messages of currently selected vehicle/object.
17 == Basic informations ==
18 Each position record contains the following informations about a location message of selected vehicle/object:
YellowFox_RD 1.1 19 (((
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 20 * Date and time of position message.
21 * A symbol, associated with the message reason.
22 * The reason of the position message.
23 * A address text of the position message.
24 * The ground speed if defined.
YellowFox_RD 1.1 25 )))
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 26 == Conditional Informations ==
27 On ignition messages (ignition on/off) the following informations will be shown, if available:
YellowFox_RD 1.1 28 (((
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 29 * The driver name
30 * The mileage
31 * Fuel informations (only on ignition off)
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Dominic Lippmann 2.1 33 == Extended Informations ==
34 Each position message can contain some extra informations, not visible at default. You can show it by touching/clicking the single position message. If allready visible it will be hidden on touch/click.
35 extended informations are:
YellowFox_RD 1.1 36 (((
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 37 * Telemetry messages
38 * Operation hour counters
39 * Box Accu capacity
YellowFox_RD 1.1 40 )))
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 41 if availible.
42 == Actions of a position message ==
43 Each position message can have 0-n associated actions. THese are located below the extended Information and are only visible if the extended Informations are shown.
44 The following actions are availible:
45 |[[image:show-on-map.png]]|show on map|Shows the current position at detail map. Is availible in must cases, but if GPS signal is lost its invisible.
46 |[[image:fuel-edit.png]]|edit Tankage|Edit, create or delete tankage informations. Its only visible on messages of type "ignition off".
YellowFox_RD 1.1 47
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 48 = Page navigation =
49 The position list is shown paginated. Currently a fix amount of 8 messages is show on each page.
50 You can navigate with the navigation bar at the bottom of the page. It allows you:
YellowFox_RD 1.1 51 (((
Dominic Lippmann 2.1 52 * Browse forward and backward with single steps, by using the buttons with a single arrow.
53 * Browse forward and backward by moving the view area to next avialable page range, by buttons with double arrow symbol.
54 * Direct selection of a page by selecting from current shown view area numbers. (3 elements)
YellowFox_RD 1.1 55 )))